Founded in 1994, Upcoming dynamic organization managed by professional qualified engineers and has emerged today as a name to be reckoned with.
Starting with manufacture of global valves with indigenous know- hows, DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD.(Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) has brought the latest technological advantage advances world-wide in multiple spheres in valvology and has expanded product range Multifold in ten years. Today, DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD.(Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) offers a wide Range of products for flow isolation and also flow control as well as pressure control. DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD. (Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) now serve in Pharma Industries, petro-chemical industries, Fertiliser plants, Atomic Power generation station, Chemical process plants, Textile mills, plastic processing industries, pulp and paper industries, Sugar plants, Wood and Lamination plants etc. and OEM machinery manufactures.

DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD.(Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) has a fully equipped workshop with a well laid testing set up and CAD design station for valves designing. DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD. (Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) have an associate company dealing in the latest technology for waste control, pollution control, energy conservation, safety and health hazard reduction and good housekeeping. They are specialists in anti corrosion and restrengthened technology where heavily corroded, rusted, scaled and thinned pipelines can be restrengthened back to rated pressure in-situ, on-line without any shut down. They also take up annual rate contracts for repairing old unsalvageable junk valves and make them zero leak with warranted performance.
DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD.(Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) offers Globe valves, Gate valves, Sluice valves, Butterfly valves, Ball valves, Pressure relief and Control valves, non-return valves, Strainer and Control valves in variety of material like Cast Iron, Cast Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, gun metal and many more types of material as per client’s requirement. DELTA VALVES PVT. LTD. (Formerly known as “DELTA ENGINEERS”) manufactures Control valves in two way On-Off type or diverter flow control type with Pneumatic actuation or Motorized electrical actuation. Pneumatic control valves are either cylinder type or diaphragm type. These control valves are for precise temperature control.