Control Valve 2 Way & 3 Way

The control valve is a critical part of the control loop. The control valve manipulates a flowing fluid, such as gas, steam, water, or chemical compounds to compensate for the load disturbance and keeps the regulated process variable as close as possible to the desired set point.

A type of globe valve that has three pipeline connections to provide general converging (flow-mixing) or diverging (flowsplitting) service. Variations include cage-, port-, and stemguided designs, selected for high-temperature service, and end connections can be specified to mate with most piping schemes.

Actuator selection demands careful consideration, particularly for constructions with an unbalanced valve plug.

Pid controlled motorised valves with/without feedback positioner available for process industries requiring high accuracy. With soft seating available.

Product Range Size Pressure Class
Electrically Operated Motorised Control Valve 25 NB to 100 NB 150# to 300#
Pneumatic Diaphragm Control Valve 25 NB to100 NB 150# TO 300#
Flanged End Dimensions ANSI B 16.5
Valve Inspection& Testing API 598/ BS 6755 Part-I

Types of Control Valve